Business name :
1-5 Rue de Blanchefeigne 88640, Granges-Aumontzey
SAS with a capital of 824 000
APE code 4751 Z
Siret : 38958948200014
Epinal RCS registration number 389589482
Intra-communal VAT : Fr 35389589482
Company manager : Steve Cohen
Publication manager : Alain Guillonnet
Hosting :
OVH, simplified joint-stock company
2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix
Siret : 424 761 419 000 45
Personal data processing :
While browsing on the website Tradition des Vosges, cookies are integrated in your browser to best understand your interests. This technology does not allow personal information collection such as names, email addresses or phone numbers.
Furthermore, the company owns an electronic file drawing up an inventory of customers personal data. Registered customers can be informed of campaigns, contests as well as our loyalty program.
Conforming to the law information technology, data files and civil liberties dated from the 6th January 1978, it is possible to change your personal information or to object to process your personal data by sending an email to :
or by letter to the following address : Société Textiles Granges sur Vologne B.P 1-5 rue de Blanchefeigne 88640 Granges-Aumontzey
Customer service :
For any further inquiries please contact our customer service available from mondays to thursdays from 8:00am to 5:00pm and fridays from 8:00am to 4:30pm at the following number
Click here to read the General Terms and Conditions.